Careers in Ag

When we started looking at Jobs and Careers in Agriculture, we had to start at the very beginning: not many of us knew about the Ag Industry with most of us just thinking about the stock-standard jobs like "farmer" etc. We then expanded our research to look at all the different jobs that are directly linked to the Cotton Industry. 

We LOVED this definition: Agriculture is the  the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of land and breeding of animals and plants to provide food, fiber, medicinal plants and other products to sustain and enhance life. When you think about it in that way, it's not surprising that so many jobs are considered a job in agriculture. Plus, when we consider that Australia is a major agricultural producer and exporter, with Australian farmers and graziers owning over 135,990 farms, covering 61% of Australia's landmass, and over 325,300 people employed in the industry. 

Just like Cotton Australia says... "If you haven’t yet considered a career in agriculture, now’s the time to start. With the earth’s population set to reach over 10 billion in the next 90 years a skilled and efficient workforce needs to be ready to feed and clothe the world."

If you're considering a career in the agriculture industry, Career Harvest would be a great place to begin. We had a look around ourselves and were excited by what we found out. As someone that likes 'being creative', 'helping people' and 'working with animals' my ag career could be Farm Management Consultant, Cotton Grader, or even Biotechnologist. I'm really passionate about science and medicine so the idea that I could pursue my passions in the agriculture industry is very exciting to me. 

How to get a job in the agriculture industry
Some Jobs directly related to your degree include:
    Agricultural consultant
    Farm manager
    Fish farm manager
    Plant breeder/geneticist
    Rural practice surveyor
    Soil scientist
 And some Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
     Animal nutritionist
     Field trials officer
     Forest/woodland manager
     Magazine journalist
     Newspaper journalist
     Sales executive
     Veterinary nurse

We've been so inspired to tell everyone about careers in Ag that we put together this little video!

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